Friday 19 April 2013

Planning 2


Here is two plans that I have made for my front cover, it demonstrates where I would position everything when creating my real one. I think that I will choose the first plan as it seems to show the same conventions that i found in NME and Q magazine when researching them.

Here are two plans for my contents that I have created to follow when making my contents page. It shows where everything will be laid out; the images, text, title. I think that I am going to choose the plan on the left as it is very similar to the one that I saw in NME also it isn't as packed as the other plan I made. There would be too much space for text which means the font size would be smaller, or there would not be a lot of room for magazine content.

Here are the plans for the double page spread in the magazine. This will be where the interview with my cover model will be placed. Before hand I will research into the types of questions asked in an interview and then I will personally interview Megan myself to get the text to transfer over to the magazine. I will include some small information about her single, which could be used a form of promotion.
 On both I will use a main image on the left hand page of the interviewee and then the interview will feature on the opposite page. I think that I will use the second plan to follow for my double page spread as it looks tidier and then this way the font size of the main text wouldn't have to be so small and unreadable. I also like the idea of the pull out quote being placed in the centre between two columns of text, the quote can be of bigger font and a different colour to stand out to the reader.

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