Wednesday 17 April 2013

Lesson on Photography

In class today we learnt about photography and how to achieve the best images possible. We learnt about the factors that need to be considered when photographing. You need to take good photographs in the first place and then use digital manipulation only to enhance the images. There are a number of 'Rules' we learnt about that are set up to create images that are pleasing to the eye. 
A persons first impression is based on a compositional balance. Composition; Positioning of key elements within a photo.

Rule of Thirds:
- The human eye is naturally drawn to a point two-thirds up a page.
- This suggests it will be more pleasing to the eye, if focal points are placed around the intersection points.
- Not following the Rule of Thirds, and having the image in the centre can make it harder to layout the cover.

Using Lines:
- Look for lines to use in the photograph.
- Powerful elements, add dynamic impact, in terms of mood.
- Leads a viewers eye to the image.

Diagonal Lines:
- Draws the eye of the viewer through the image.
- Creates points of interest that intersects with other lines.
- Adds a sense of action.

Focal Points:
- Important as the eye needs a resting place to hold onto.
- You can enhance the focal point by; Positioning, Focus, Size, Colour and Shape--a combination of these can work well.

- To make an image more interesting, alter the angle you shoot from--it can change the feeling of size, the light and pattern.
- Low Angle--Looking up at the image subject.
- High Angle--Looking down to the image subject.

 These are notes taken from the lesson we had on photography skills, and they will be taken into account for my own images to use in my magazine.

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