Friday 19 April 2013

Evaluation of Research

I conducted a vast quantity of research into a variety of sources to gain some ideas and influence for my final product of a music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. From this research I have learnt the common conventions that are used on each of the pages, they make sure that each issue follows the same structure to show consistency. By completing extensive page analysis of each of the pages I needed to make, it assisted me by finding the true/real conventions used for me to utilise to make my product look authentic and like something you'd see on a shops shelf.

The primary research into audiences that I completed (the two surveys) helped to confirm the target audience I had outlined before making a start on the research or construction. It made it clear and informed me that I should create an indie/alternative/folk magazine targeting the 16-24 year olds- I can target them by my use of wording or style of article in my double page spread, the use of colours to suit the tone and mood, the images I choose to use need to emulate the genre of music or represent this age group.

To target my audience I plan to have an interview for the text on the double page spread as I feel that from my research the audience will enjoy a more personal touch to the article, to get to know someone. At this age people may want to idolise or be like the 'artist in the magazines' so knowing all about them will assist them in this quest. 

Through the construction of my product I will utilise and gather all I have discovered from the research to use my final outcome as an example of all I have learnt along the way.

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