Wednesday 17 April 2013

Music Magazine Research 7

I did some more research into the audience for my genre of music. This time I went into more depth to find out what people like best about their genre of music and then comparing it to what they like to do in their spare time. By doing this, in a survey/questionnaire format, it will help to know how and who to aim my magazine at, looking into what interests my audience most.

One method I used to gather the research was to create a survey on 'Survey Monkey', this way I could share the content on Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, to raise more awareness and get more people to complete it.

I also created a paper version of the same survey, containing the same questions to physically hand out to friends and family. This way I can make sure that I will definitely get some results that I can use. 
My Results:
From the two forms of surveys, I have come to the conclusion that I will use Indie, Alternative, Folk music as my genre for the magazine. This second set of audience research has confirmed this choice of genre that was highlighted as most popular in the first audience survey I completed. Also from these surveys I found out that 75% of the people who took the survey were aged 16-24, which is the age range I aim to target my magazine to and this was evident as an ideal audience from my first lot of audience research. My next question was finding out about the most popular music genre that the people I surveyed listen to, in the online survey, Pop music was the favoured choice, with Indie and Alternative close behind- on the paper survey, Indie, alternative and folk were the overriding most listened to genre. This data has helped to confirm that this is the right music genre to base a magazine on, also this amount of 'music lovers' has made it target my magazine at them-people I know who I can get advice and tips from for improvements. Next, I wanted to know what the people liked most about the genre of music they listen too, the most populous answer was the music itself which was just ahead of the lyrics used. With the lyrics coming just behind, has shown that the words written by artists really do emulate emotion across to the listener- Megan writes her own music and lyrics, from the data gathered it has confirmed that she is a good role model to be featured. The 5th question I asked was to find out whether the audience go to gigs and concerts to see their favourite genre of music, from the results the majority of people put that they sometimes attend these events, this could be a good basis to try to target the audience to attend more concerts, gigs, festivals and maybe to see Megan live. To persuade the readers that Megan Linford is the next 'up and coming' musical talent that you just NEED to see. Finally my last question was to find out what the audience get up to in their spare time, to get an idea and visual of the type of reader I am targeting. The result from this question was that most of the respondents like to spend their time being with friends, listening to music and going on social media- this outcome is not really surprising considering the age range of people who took the survey, as someone of that age I know well of what interests people may share.
This survey has given me affirmation of who I really am targeting my magazine at as I do want people to read and enjoy it. I want people to be able to relate to the content and layout on the pages so finding out in detail what interests people have, their favourite music genres etc. I can plan out what to include in the magazine.

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