Friday 21 March 2014

Progress of Magazine 1

Process of Music Magazine- Front Cover:

 This is my front cover when I first started to work on it. I tried to follow my flat plan to make it look how I wanted it too, but for this I moved around the masthead to the bottom of the cover. At first I did not realise that this was not in the conventions of a music magazine, so I later moved it to the top. The colours I used for the image and the text is very dull, nothing really stands out, so over time I changed the  masthead colour to red to attract the eye. The image has made the cover model appear on the right hand side of the page which allows there to be room to place the coverlines. The main coverline is placed across the bottom left hand corner, by placing it here it doesn't detract from the face of the person looking directly at the reader. To follow conventions I have used a barcode on the front cover to make it look like an already produced magazine. I thought of 

the theme colours for the magazine to be grey, white and black as it went with the image I chose to use on the front cover. However, gradually over time when asking numerous people to look at the magazine they all said the same critique, to add more colour. At first I just decided to add colour to the title/masthead and to the bullet points at the bottom, but it still needed some more colour to make it more interesting.

Here is the finished design of my music magazine front cover. It has changed quite a bit since I first started to work on it, my ideas have changed and expanded. I think that it looks a lot better now as the colour has made it more appealing to the eye, it would stand out more on a shelf in a shop ready for someone to buy. I think if I were to point out a weakness somewhere it would have to be in the font style and colours as only in some places it can be a bit harder to read than in others. Overall I am very pleased with the result as I think it looks quite professional, something that I would actually buy myself.

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