Friday 21 March 2014

Progress of Magazine 2

Progress of Magazine- Content Page

I decided to carry on the colour scheme from the front cover onto the contents page, to make it look consistent and from the same magazine. So I kept with the colours of different shades of grey, I also added a strip of blue across the top of the page to hold the magazine title and the page name, this will bring some colour to the page. I got the idea for the strip/banner on the top of the page from Q magazine, so i knew it would follow my genre conventions. I would continue to place this banner across the top of all pages so that the readers are constantly reminded of the magazine name and the page number will also be featured here. I placed an image on the top right hand corner to show a visual of one of the articles featured in the magazine, this image was taken in a live music setting so it shows diversity between that and my cover image. 

From the research I completed on the music magazines contents pages I found some inspiration on how I want to set out mine. I have split the articles into sections relating to a certain topic, like features (this is the interviews, articles), competitions and live (this is the reviews of music/ events, live events coming up). By doing this it helps the reader to decipher through to find what they want to read. I think that by laying out the test in neat columns like this makes it appear modern and easy to read. The text has been split up by using two different types of image of the main cover girl model who has been featured in the double page spread interview. 

This is my finished contents page. I added another image to fit in with the plans I originally created and this way it follows the conventions I discovered in my research into NME magazine contents page. I added some more colour to the contents page after it was suggested that I did the same to the front cover, this has made it appear more interesting. This contents page design has come from my research looking at Q magazine's contents page.

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