Friday 21 March 2014


Question 1:

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Comparing my magazine front cover against an existing cover (I did this by highlighting common conventions between them):

Comparing my magazine contents page against an existing contents page (I did this by highlighting common conventions between them):

Comparing my magazine double page spread against an existing DPS (I did this by highlighting common conventions between them):
By analysing each part of a magazine that I will be recreating, it can help to get used to the forms and conventions that these magazines use to make it look authentic and real. I presented this in a visual format to clearly see the differences and similarities. These conventions are shared among many of the same genre of magazines, each genre will look or be presented slightly differently. By comparing this to what I have made it can show how similar or different they are- I think my media product completely uses and supports the traditional forms and conventions of a indie,alternative,folk magazine by my use of colours, images, layout and wording. I wanted to understand how to correctly and accurately target my audience, this was possible from the extensive research I undertook.

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