Monday 11 March 2013

Music Magazine Research 3

Two Page Spreads

 This is a two page spread taken from an issue of NME magazine. A few factors of this two page spread:
- Big image on one page
- Huge size font (takes up a third of the page)
- Text in columns
- Another image to fill space around the text.
- Use of quote taken from the article
- Only two text colours (black and red)
- Big letter used to start the article

This is also a two page spread taken from another issue of NME magazine. 
A few factors of this two page spread:
- Big image fills one page and goes across to the other page
- The heading/title is filling up the majority of the page
- The heading/title is a quote taken from the article
- Only two colours used for the text (black and red, similar to the celebs clothing)
- Big letter used to start the article

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