Monday 8 October 2012

Magazines and Audiences


Barcode: Used to scan the magazine/newspaper when someone is to buy it.

Burst Advertising: This advertising will be aimed to certain people to be seen at certain times of the year.

Content: This is what will feature within the magazine/newspaper.

Coverlines: Information about a particular,major article and it appears on the front page.

Dateline: The date appears here in a line, usually written in full (e.g. October 2012)

Drip Advertising: This advertising is used all year round, constantly to raise more awareness.

Left Third: Information used to attract potential readers is placed in the left-hand side vertical 
third of the front cover page. 

Main Image:
This is a large image that will appear across the whole of the front page that has relevance to the an article.

Masthead: The title of the magazine or newspaper, it appears at the top of the front page.

Plug: Information about the contents of a magazine or newspaper, this appears on the front cover.

Price: This shows the cost of the magazine/newspaper.

Puff: Words or phrases on the cover of a magazine used to boost status

Pull Quote: An interesting/important quote taken from an interview/article.

Sans Serif Font: Is a style of typeface that doesn't have serifs, these look like tails added to the font. (Tahoma)

Serif Font: Is a style of typeface that has serifs, these look like tails added to the font. (Times New Roman)

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