Monday 1 October 2012

Getting to know blogger.....

What can you do on Blogger?

  • You can add photos or videos to your blog
  • It is easy to update things you have to say
  • You can personalize your blog to make it your own
  • It is free and easy to use for all
  • You can even earn money from some of your posts
  • You can build up a following of people who want to read your blogs

How will Blogger be useful for my coursework?

  • It will help me to reveal my progression to people
  • It will enable me to access my work from anywhere at anytime
  • It will save me time as i don't have to spend time writing or drawing by hand
  • I will be able to keep track of my work easily
  • It will also save space, I won't have lots of loose sheets
  • I will never forget to bring my work into college

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