Friday 4 April 2014


Question 7:

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


Question 6:

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Question 4 & 5:

Who would be the audience for your media product and how did you attract/address your audience?

Below is the youtube video that responds to part one of this question:

Below is the youtube video that responds to part two of this question:


Question 3:

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Throughout the year I have researched into two different media institutions; Bauer Media Group and IPC Media. Each of these institutions produce and distribute varieties of magazine publications, during the research I discovered some stats over average circulation and redership for their most popular magazine and the genre of magazines. From all of this it can help me to narrow down and compare the two companies to make a decision as to who will distribute mine.

Bauer Media Group:                                                                    

  • They operate in 15 countries in the world.
  • Overall their circulation from magazines adds up to 38 million.
  • Their most popular magazine has a circulation number of 430,918. (However this is for a celebrity gossip magazine).
  • They create a selection of Britain's most well known magazines.
  • They don't really produce and distribute many music magazines, only Q and Kerrang. (There could be a opening in this institution for another music magazine.)
  • Bauer Media Group also has it's own music channel so it could showcase new talent featured within the magazines.

IPC Media:

  • Almost 27 million adults in the UK read their print publications. Two thirds UK women and 44% UK men.
  • They have produced and distributed magazines for 45 years, some of the big names are; NME, TV Times and Women's Weekly.
  • They only produce and distribute two music magazines; NME and UNCUT.
  • NME is the one of the UK's most well known magazines for 16-24 year olds to read, it's content includes introducing and promoting new musical talent. (Similar to the intentions of my magazine.)
  • NME has 7.7 million unique readers, compared to UNCUT having 87,000 unique readers.
I think that for my music magazine I will choose Bauer Media Group to produce and distribute it. I have chosen this institution as IPC media already has a magazine like mine out there so this way it could create some competition, but maybe it will be more likely that audiences will read my magazine because it was produced by a newer, fresh company, with better or new ideas. Also the link up between their magazines and many music channels they own, will be of help to the upcoming artists who will feature within the magazine because by showing their music on TV will promote them more. Many people listen and watch Bauer's music channels, they are some of the most popular on TV. Bauer Media Group operate in 15 countries so this means that should this magazine become successful it could become bigger and go global with the talent featured within. 

Friday 21 March 2014


Question 2:

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Below is the presentation that answers this question about the representation offered in my magazine.


Question 1:

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Comparing my magazine front cover against an existing cover (I did this by highlighting common conventions between them):

Comparing my magazine contents page against an existing contents page (I did this by highlighting common conventions between them):

Comparing my magazine double page spread against an existing DPS (I did this by highlighting common conventions between them):
By analysing each part of a magazine that I will be recreating, it can help to get used to the forms and conventions that these magazines use to make it look authentic and real. I presented this in a visual format to clearly see the differences and similarities. These conventions are shared among many of the same genre of magazines, each genre will look or be presented slightly differently. By comparing this to what I have made it can show how similar or different they are- I think my media product completely uses and supports the traditional forms and conventions of a indie,alternative,folk magazine by my use of colours, images, layout and wording. I wanted to understand how to correctly and accurately target my audience, this was possible from the extensive research I undertook.

Progress of Magazine 3

Progress of Magazine- Double Page Spread

For my double page spread I decided to once again follow the same colour scheme from the front cover and the contents page (grey, blue,red, green). I used the same font styles, colours, and I also used the theme of the banner going across the top of the page from the contents page to make it look consistent. By keeping everything looking the same it will help to make it look professional, authentic and similar to the conventions of my chosen music genres (indie, alternative, folk) magazines. 

Before starting my double page spread I conducted some research into these pages in different issues of NME magazine to highlight the common conventions to use in my own work. I found two that I took some ideas from to help create my own, I liked the idea of just one image filling up the page on the left hand side allowing it to showcase the artist in a different way then in previous images, I used a drop capital, my article went down in three columns and I liked the idea of using a quotes from the interview in pull out form, fitting the text around. By completing the research it allowed me to map out ideas on my flatplans as to how and where things will be placed. I used a drop capital at the beginning of the interview as it follows typical magazine conventions. At the beginning of the interview I have written a small introduction of the artist so that the reader has some background before delving into the interview, to separate the questions from the responses I made sure that the questions were in bold font and a darker shade of grey. Gradually over time as my ideas for the front cover changed so did the double page spread, I decided that it needed some more colour so it would stand out and look more appealing, so just like the front page I added some colour to the drop capital and the heading (a shade of green). Along with the image this brightens up the page. Overall I am very happy with how my double page spread turned out, I would've liked to have spent more time on it but I think it still fits in with the other magazine pages and also looks similar to those I researched. I think this looks authentic and I could imagine this being sold in a magazine stand in a shop.