Monday 4 February 2013

Process of College Magazine

College Magazine

Here is the final design for my college magazine after I have finished creating it, I have designed the front cover and the contents page.

This is my final front cover. I would say that I have kept to the ideas within the proposal that I originally had planned for the way my magazine will look. I have used the colours that are associated with the college logo, green, blue and white. I have also used purple it is featured within the cover image. The placing of my cover lines and text has been used well, placing them in empty or dull spaces within the cover image.  

This is my mock up contents page. I have used the same colour theme that I used on the front cover; this helps to keep it looking consistent. These colours are again associated with the college logo, which I have also included in the bottom right hand corner. I used the same font style, size and colour from the cover. I have also included images that illustrate the stories/articles that are featured within the magazine.       


This is showing a few processes and design ideas that I went through to achieve my final magazine front cover. Along the way I started to change bits that I thought would look better a certain way, such as I played around with the colours of the text and the boxes and I also changed the places I would stick my text or boxes.                  

Again here it is showing the processes and design ideas I went through to achieve the contents page mock up. From looking at my flatplan, I started to place out where everything will be placed and along the way I decided that I needed to fill up some more space. So I moved around the text and the images to make it look full but not too busy.


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