Tuesday 8 January 2013

Technology Impact

Technology has and is playing a huge role in the creation and distribution of print magazines, with many people converting to online methods to get their 'fix' on all things gossipy, girly, cars, music, cooking, style etc. A lot of content from inside magazines is now stored on the brands website, which means the articles can be accessed for free, which in the long run will result in the demise of the magazine sales. 'Why do people need to go out of their house, to go to the shop, to buy a magazine for £2-5, when they may only read a few articles?' 
The increase of citizen journalism can also be a negative impact on the magazine industry, as the job of a 'specialist journalist' may no longer be needed as the public can now write opinion pieces of what they are most interested in- this way the magazine company don't have fork out loads of money on staff, maybe just paying the odd fee for freelance journalists or look out for voluntary contributions. Another problem with citizen journalism could be that the gatekeeping or mediation might not be as well thought out, allowing 'sensitive subjects' to be brought to the forefront and allowed to be published for people to read, and then cause hate and dampen the reputation of the company.
Most people nowadays have some sort of typing software, whether it be word, notes or memos for example, which make the process of writing a good piece of work possible for anyone to do. People are now trained and skilled to use the same software that would've been so difficult for journalists to use- so this to some may never be seen as a 'real' job.

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